Level 7 Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership

The objective of the OTHM Level 7 Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership qualification is to develop strategic management and leadership skills for managers who have the authority and personal attributes to translate organisational strategy into effective operational performance.

Qualification structure
The OTHM Level 7 Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership consists of 4 mandatory units and 2 optional units, making a combined total of 120 credits, 1200 hours Total Qualification Time (TQT) and 600 Guided Learning Hours (GLH) for the completed qualification.

Suitability – Who should attend?
For entry onto the OTHM Level 7 qualification, learners must be aged 21 and above and possess a degree or equivalent (e.g. RQF Level 6 or SCQF Level 10) or evidence of ability to study at degree level; e.g. membership of appropriate professional body.

Training Course Content
Mandatory Units
Strategic Management
Strategic Leadership
Strategic Human Resource Management
Advanced Business Research Methods

Optional units: Choose any Two
Strategic Financial Management
Supply Chain and Operations Management
Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Globalisation and Corporate Governance
Strategic Change Management
Strategic Marketing