About Us
Our Mission
At Borough College London, we take our responsibility for preparing a new generation of students for vocational and professional careers very seriously. We have adopted a “client centred” approach to our tutoring, training and assessment procedures in order to offer a flexible and affordable quality education to our learners. In our experience, this philosophy effectively bridges the gap between traditional academic study and today’s real world environment. Our UK learners can undertake their courses on block release, part-time day release, part-time evening or part-time weekend. Those who are prevented by distance from attending at our London campus can enrol on Blended provision to undertake their courses on-line, distance learning or attend at a study centre. Our aspiration is to not to disadvantage any serious learner on the basis of their location or other constraints.
Borough College London is a relatively new and thoroughly modern institution. We believe that a quality education can help to prepare a student to take advantage of opportunities in life. Borough College London offers students a program of study that is liberating, complete and enjoyable. Staff members are friendly and helpful, and the study atmosphere is lively and businesslike. We hire highly qualified lecturers who get to know our students and are ready to provide assistance when needed.
Our curriculum is written to help students acquire practical knowledge and skills so they are well prepared to succeed in the workplace. We offer courses leading to recognised qualification awards recognized by accredited professional bodies and universities, including:
- Diplomas of BTEC Edexcel, ATHE, OTMH, etc.
- Professional Certificates
- Vocational Certificates
- Our degree courses are awarded by accredited universities like the University of Azteca (Universidad Azteca (Mexican Government accredited) for people who want to study as External Students.
- Student Conduct and Discipline
- Absences and Changes of Address and Telephone Number.
Students enrolled in full-time courses are expected to attend all lectures and tutorials (at least 15 hours of daytime study a week). In the event of absence for medical or other reasons, you should inform the Admissions Officer.
If there are any changes in your local or home address or telephone number and your personal details, notify the Admissions Secretary immediately.
Course Information
You can find day-to-day information about courses displayed on the College Notice Boards at the Reception Area and in Classrooms. Please read the notice boards regularly (i.e. whenever you have scheduled classes) to check for alterations to the timetable, room changes and information about assignments. Blended
Academic Misconduct
If a student is found to have cheated or attempted to gain an unfair advantage, the examiners have authority to deem the student to have failed part or all of the assessments. The examiners can determine whether or not the student will be allowed to re-write the examination. A student may be excluded from taking external examinations on certain grounds (academic misconduct or insufficient attendance at classes).
Health & Safety Policy
The College operates a health and safety policy that covers personal safety, fire and accident.
Personal Safety
Borough College London has security measures in place on a 24-hour basis. If you are concerned about your safety, or become aware of any suspicious or unusual activity, you should contact the Principal immediately.
Fire and Accidents
Fire drills are held in the College on a regular basis. Students are asked to familiarise themselves with fire exits and assemble points. They are required to respond quickly to the instructions of the Fire Marshals and Sweepers in order to clear the building as speedily as possible.
Accidents and First Aid
All accidents must be reported to the Welfare Officer. First Aid boxes are available within the College premises and kept with the Welfare Officer. If emergency assistance or First Aid is required outside normal teaching hours/office hours, contact the Ambulance Services on 999.